最好的应用市场_建设工程施工合同2021范本_手机企业年报网上申报入口_鞍山人力资源和社会保障局 int main() {double principal; // Loan amountdouble annualInterestRate; // Annual interest rate in percentageint years; // Loan term in yearsint repaymentOption; // Repayment option (1 for Equal Principal, 2 for Equal Installments)int frequency; // Repayment frequency (e.g., 12 for monthly, 4 for quarterly, 2 for semi-annually)cout << "Enter the loan amount: ";cin >> principal;if (!validateInput(principal)) {cerr << "Invalid loan amount. Must be greater than zero." << endl;return 1;}cout << "Enter the annual interest rate (in percentage): ";cin >> annualInterestRate;if (!validateInput(annualInterestRate)) {cerr << "Invalid annual interest rate. Must be greater than zero." << endl;return 1;}cout << "Enter the loan term (in years): ";cin >> years;if (!validateInput(years)) {cerr << "Invalid loan term. Must be greater than zero." << endl;return 1;}cout << "Choose repayment option (1 for Equal Principal, 2 for Equal Installments): ";cin >> repaymentOption;if (repaymentOption != 1 && repaymentOption != 2) {cerr << "Invalid option. Choose 1 or 2." << endl;return 1;}cout << "Choose repayment frequency (12 for monthly, 4 for quarterly, 2 for semi-annually): ";cin >> frequency;if (frequency != 12 && frequency != 4 && frequency != 2) {cerr << "Invalid frequency. Choose 12, 4, or 2." << endl;return 1;}double payment;if (repaymentOption == 1) {payment = calculateEqualPrincipalPayment(principal, annualInterestRate, years);cout << "Your average payment (Equal Principal) is: $" << payment << endl;} else if (repaymentOption == 2) {payment = calculateEqualInstallmentsPayment(principal, annualInterestRate, years);cout << "Your monthly payment (Equal Installments) is: $" << payment << endl;}// Calculate total payment and total interestint totalPeriods = years * frequency;double totalPayment = payment * totalPeriods;double totalInterest = totalPayment - principal;cout << "Total payment over the life of the loan: $" << totalPayment << endl;cout << "Total interest paid: $" << totalInterest << endl;// Generate repayment schedulegenerateRepaymentSchedule(principal, annualInterestRate, years, frequency);return 0;">





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